It's About an Attitude!
Some years ago, I wrote a talk about my Ten Keys to success. I shared this speech with hundreds of my Air National Guard recruiters and thousands of high school JRROTC cadets. Number one on my list to succeed is that you must have a positive attitude. The ATTITUDE topic, of course, is not a new idea or concept. In fact, resources date back to Epictetus' era (AD 55-135), who mentions attitudes and how we think. If you Google "positive attitude," you will be amazed how many hits come up – well into the millions! What I know about attitude is that it is a personal choice!
Each of us can choose to fill our minds with positive and pleasing thoughts, or we can join the ranks of the neg-o-holics and fill our minds with negative or defeating thoughts. And we all know some of those folks…they are the ones that no matter how good things are, they find fault and complain about virtually everything. I am excited that research shows, and I have personally witnessed, that people with positive attitudes and grateful hearts are often more successful, live longer lives, and have fewer illnesses than those with negative mindsets. Studies further show that a positive person usually overcomes adversity much more quickly than the negative person. And goodness, in these days and times, we can all surely use some overcoming.
Years ago, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote an interesting and popular book titled "The Power of Positive Thinking." Perhaps one of his most quoted sayings from the book is this: "Change your thoughts, and you change your world." I know this to be true! In fact, had I not followed his instructions (refocusing my thoughts in a positive direction) back on the early part of my success journey, I am convinced I would have become part of the neg-o-hoic society. As you read this, ask yourself, where are your thoughts leading you? Are they holding you back? Or, are they helping you move forward in your journey? Another of my favorite quotes comes from Zig Ziglar, "Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?" I hope you fond these words helpful, and if you are struggling with your mindset. Feel free to reach out to me and let's chat.
The Daily Grower,
Jim Hatchell